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Gwendoline Christie's Captain Phasma will return in Star Wars: Episode VIII

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3303 days ago
Yeah. What a news. She portraied this character for like 20 seconds in Ep. VII. WTF. Comeon do better news.
Piacenza, Italy
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The Creators of UGLYDOLL Introduce DREAM BIG FRIENDS

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While children’s toys have grown steadily more progressive in recent years, plenty of folks still groan grown when they wander down their local toy store’s “pink aisle”. Thankfully, the designers of Uglydoll—David Horvath and Sun Min—have decided to come up with an alternative to most of the doll lines produced for kids. They’re collaborating with Klim Kozinevich (of Bigshot Toyworks, who designs for Hasbro, Kid Robot, Sideshow, and Mondo) on a new line that foregoes the usual concerns of Barbie and princess toys—hair, makeup, and clothes—for something that encourages kids to better use their imagination and take pride in their individuality. Folks, meet the Dream BIG Friends.

Making her debut at Pasadena’s DesignerCon (held this weekend on November 21st and 22nd) is the first of the Dream BIG Friends, Yuna, seen here with her cat Kamata:

Dream BIG Friends 02

According to the folks behind Dream BIG Friends, Yuna is “quite possibly the very first Asian American to be a central character in a doll line! She loves science, travel, rockets, art, design, and Korean food. Her big dream is to run a company designing rockets that will one day take her to Mars. She’ll be the first one to stand on the planet’s surface, naturally. With your help, she’s sure to get there.”

Dream BIG Friends 01

A Dream BIG Friends Kickstarter has just launched, to fund the tooling and production costs of these toys. Be sure to check it out. It’s filled with more details on Yuna, and on how this lines of dolls came to be. And let us know below what you think. Would you give Yuna as a gift to a kid (or even an adult) this holiday season?

Dream BIG Friends 03

Dream BIG Friends 04

What do you think of Yuna? Let us know in the comments below.

Image Credit: Dream BIG Friends

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3376 days ago
I never felt in love with anything that is not a real human being. Till now. Yuna is so damn cute and cool!!! I REALLY NEED HER NEAR ME NOW!!! If someone wants to make a 40yo geekdad happy... PLEASE YUNA!!! LOVE ME!!!
Piacenza, Italy
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Attentati di Parigi: non si trova in Italia la Seat Ibiza targata GUT 18053

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Un controllo alla frontiera

Nelle ultime ore si è diffusa la notizia relativa al passaggio nel nostro paese di un 32enne che gli inquirenti sospettano possa essere coinvolto nei fatti di venerdì sera a Parigi, quando un commando ha provocato morte e terrone nel corso di una serie di attentati. La notizia ha perso attendibilità con il passare dei minuti, come spiegato a Repubblica dall’Ufficio Centrale Antiterrorismo Italiano: sull’edizione online del quotidiano leggiamo che “non risulta che la vettura sia entrata nel territorio italiano”.

L’Ucigos smentisce che la Seat Ibiza nera sia giunta in Italia, dal momento che l’automobile è stata ritrovata nelle scorse ore a Parigi. La vettura è targata GUT 18053 e si pensava avesse varcato il confine a Ventimiglia, circostanza che ha giustificato il tam-tam di messaggi sui social network: molti utenti hanno inoltrato messaggi in cui si sosteneva che la vettura potesse trovarsi in Piemonte o più generalmente nel Nord Italia.

prosegui la lettura

Attentati di Parigi: non si trova in Italia la Seat Ibiza targata GUT 18053 pubblicato su Autoblog.it 16 novembre 2015 17:17.

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3380 days ago
Molti utenti inoltrano messaggi in cui si sostiene che il cancro si cura col succo di limone. O che le scie chimiche sono un sistema di controllo governativo. Oppure tante altre fregnacce legate più o meno ad argomenti che definire da MENTECATTI è riduttivo. Insomma, il nostro mondo è rovinato dall'ignoranza, religiosa o civile che sia. Nulla più mi stupisce, i social network sono una CLOACA MAXIMA.
Piacenza, Italy
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Will Sony release No Man’s Sky this week? Don’t bet against it

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Sony could be prepping a nuke for tomorrow night in Paris, if behind-the-scenes chatter is to be believed.


Could Sony release No Man’s Sky this week? Don’t bet against it.

Backstreet chatter is claiming the Hello Games space exploration title, a hugely anticipated indie release for PS4, could hit the console in the next few days.

Sony’s Paris Games Week press conference takes place tomorrow evening at the Grand Arche de la Defénse in the city’s west, and Hello is already hinting that a release date announcement is very close.

But friends of VG247 are claiming PS4 owners could be in for a massive treat tomorrow, saying the game will release on PSN this week.

No Man’s Sky is clearly on the verge of release, having been shown on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert in the last month.

The conference will will start at 4.45pm GMT/5.45pm CET tomorrow, Tuesday, 27th October 2015, and VG247 will be reporting live from the event. Stay with us for the rest of the week for all the news from PGW 2015.

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3401 days ago
Piacenza, Italy
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Star Wars Battlefront beta: which blaster is best?

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Star Wars Battlefront beta testers have a choice of weapons. Which pew-pew is right for you-you?

There are four blasters to choose choice from in the Star Wars Battlefront beta. Once you’ve unlocked them all by earning experience and credits, you’ll find that each one has its place.

Using them effectively is a skill, but shooter expert Westie is here to help you master that learning curve.

The Star Wars Battlefront beta opens to everyone later today. The full game hits PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 20.

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3419 days ago
great video from westie as usual. check it out if you plan to play this game beta.
Piacenza, Italy
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Don’t own Destiny? It might appear on your PS4 anyway

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There’s no escape from Destiny, whichever way you turn.


Some PS4 owners have noticed that an icon for Destiny: The Taken King has appeared on their consoles even though they haven’t bought the game.

As noted by Polygon, this is part of the PS4’s “curated content” feature, which pushes games to your console via the automatic download feature, and based on your purchase history.

Once on your home page it will prompt you to buy and download the game.

The feature came with software version 1.75 and it set to automatically download by default.

Don’t freak out though: the good news is you can turn it off by going to the PS4 System, Settings, Automatic Downloads and unchecking the box.

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3420 days ago
I don't want to turn off AUTOMATIC DOWNLOADS since it downloads Patches and whatever that let me play on the go while I am in office!!! I want to TURN OFF THIS FREAKING OPTION ONLY! I DON'T WANT TO USE BANDWIDTH TO DOWNLOAD SHIT GAMES I DON'T CARE!!!
Piacenza, Italy
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